Spelio - toy library software

Easy to use
Spelio is a very user friendly application, designed specifically for toy libraries. Only minimal Windows experience is needed to use it. Because toy libraries helped us design the functionality and the interface, we are certain Spelio will also work fine in your toy library.Spelio can be operated with a barcode scanner, which makes entering data even quicker.
All functions needed for toy library administration are present. To name just a few:- toys: can be grouped in categories and target groups
- memberships: many adjustable loan conditions
- members: different entries for families, individuals and organisations
- reservations, bookings for events, loans, returns and renewals
- missing toy parts: blocking of incomplete toys and fines for losing toy parts
- due amounts per member
- cash book and other handy reports
- Spelio may be used on up to four computers simultaneously on a single licence
- extensive configuration to adjust Spelio to your own wishes
- user management and logs to ensure good security
Excellent service
We provide excellent service, because we know every toy library is unique and we want to have personal contact with our customers.When you start using Spelio we can import your current data (e.g. toys and members lists). This saves a lot of time and enables you to start using Spelio right away.
If you have any questions you can always email us. We answer within one working day.
With a support contract you get free updates (easily downloadable from our website), so you are always working with the newest version. Updates mostly result from suggestions from toy libraries which are integrated into Spelio. Should you have a suggestion yourself, tell us so we can further improve Spelio.